
First, let us load the relevant packages and an example dataset:

using Statistics, StatsBase, StatsPlots, JuliaDB
using OnlineStats: Mean, Variance
using Recombinase
using Recombinase: cumulative, density, hazard, prediction

data = loadtable(joinpath(Recombinase.datafolder, "school.csv"))
Table with 7185 rows, 8 columns:
School  Minrty  Sx        SSS     MAch    MeanSES    Sector      CSES
1224    "No"    "Female"  -1.528  5.876   -0.434383  "Public"    -1.09362
1224    "No"    "Female"  -0.588  19.708  -0.434383  "Public"    -0.153617
1224    "No"    "Male"    -0.528  20.349  -0.434383  "Public"    -0.093617
1224    "No"    "Male"    -0.668  8.781   -0.434383  "Public"    -0.233617
1224    "No"    "Male"    -0.158  17.898  -0.434383  "Public"    0.276383
1224    "No"    "Male"    0.022   4.583   -0.434383  "Public"    0.456383
1224    "No"    "Female"  -0.618  -2.832  -0.434383  "Public"    -0.183617
1224    "No"    "Male"    -0.998  0.523   -0.434383  "Public"    -0.563617
1224    "No"    "Female"  -0.888  1.527   -0.434383  "Public"    -0.453617
9586    "No"    "Female"  1.212   15.26   0.621153   "Catholic"  0.590847
9586    "No"    "Female"  1.022   22.78   0.621153   "Catholic"  0.400847
9586    "Yes"   "Female"  1.612   20.967  0.621153   "Catholic"  0.990847
9586    "No"    "Female"  1.512   20.402  0.621153   "Catholic"  0.890847
9586    "No"    "Female"  -0.038  14.794  0.621153   "Catholic"  -0.659153
9586    "No"    "Female"  1.332   19.641  0.621153   "Catholic"  0.710847
9586    "No"    "Female"  -0.008  16.241  0.621153   "Catholic"  -0.629153
9586    "No"    "Female"  0.792   22.733  0.621153   "Catholic"  0.170847

Simple scatter plots

Then we can compute a simple scatter plot of one variable against an other. This is done in two steps: first the positional and named arguments of the plot call are computed, then they are passed to a plotting function:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    select = (:MAch, :SSS),
scatter(args...; kwargs...)
0 5 10 15 20 25 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Sx = Female Sx = Male

This creates an overcrowded plot. We could instead compute the average value of our columns of interest for each school and then plot just one point per school (with error bars representing variability within the school):

args, kwargs = series2D(
    error = :School,
    select = (:MAch, :SSS),
scatter(args...; kwargs...)
5 10 15 20 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Sx = Female Sx = Male

By default, this computes the mean and standard error, we can pass stats = Mean() to only compute the mean.

Splitting by many variables

We can use different attributes to split the data as follows:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    Group(color = :Sx, markershape = :Sector),
    error = :School,
    select = (:MAch, :SSS),
    stats = Mean(),
scatter(args...; kwargs...)
6 9 12 15 18 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Sx = Female, Sector = Catholic Sx = Female, Sector = Public Sx = Male, Sector = Catholic Sx = Male, Sector = Public

Styling the plot

There are two ways in which we can style the plot: first, we can pass a custom set of colors instead of the default palette:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    error = :School,
    select = (:MAch, :SSS),
    stats = Mean(),
    color = [:red, :blue]
scatter(args...; kwargs...)
6 9 12 15 18 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Sx = Female Sx = Male

Second, we can style plat attributes as we would normally do:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    error = :School,
    select = (:MAch, :SSS),
    stats = Mean(),
scatter(args...; legend = :topleft, markersize = 10, kwargs...)
6 9 12 15 18 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Sx = Female Sx = Male

Computing summaries

It is also possible to get average value and variability of a given analysis (density, cumulative, hazard rate and local regression are supported so far, but one can also add their own function) across groups.

For example (here we use ribbon to signal we want a shaded ribbon to denote the error estimate):

args, kwargs = series2D(
    error = :School,
    select = :MAch,
    ribbon = true
plot(args...; kwargs..., legend = :topleft)
0 5 10 15 20 25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Sx = Female Sx = Male

Note that extra keyword arguments can be passed to the analysis:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    density(bandwidth = 1),
    Group(color=:Sx, linestyle=:Sector),
    error = :School,
    select = :MAch,
    ribbon = true
plot(args...; kwargs..., legend = :bottom)
0 5 10 15 20 25 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Sx = Female, Sector = Catholic Sx = Female, Sector = Public Sx = Male, Sector = Catholic Sx = Male, Sector = Public

If we do not specify error, it defaults to the "analyses specific error". For discrete prediction it is the standard error of the mean across observations.

args, kwargs = series2D(
    Group(color = :Minrty),
    select = (:Sx, :MAch),
groupedbar(args...; kwargs...)
Female Male 0 5 10 15 Minrty = No Minrty = Yes

Axis style selection

Analyses try to infer the axis type (continuous if the variable is numeric, categorical otherwise). If that is not appropriate for your data you can use discrete(prediction) or continuous(prediction) (works for hazard, density and cumulative as well). A special type of axis type is vectorial: the x and y axes can be contain AbstractArray elements, in which case we take views of elements of y corresponding to elements of x. This can be useful to compute averages of time varying signals.

using Recombinase: offsetrange
signal = sin.(range(0, 10π, length = 1000)) .+ 0.1 .* rand.()
events = range(50, 950, step = 100)
z = repeat([true, false], outer = 5)
x = [offsetrange(signal, ev) for ev in events]
y = fill(signal, length(x))
t = table(x, y, z, names = [:offsets, :signals, :peak])

args, kwargs = series2D(
    prediction(axis = -60:60),
    select = (:offsets, :signals),
    ribbon = true,
plot(args...; kwargs...)
-50 -25 0 25 50 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 peak = false peak = true

Post processing

Finally, for some analyses it can be useful to postprocess the result. For example, in the case of the "signal plot" above, we may wish to rescale the x axis. This is done by passing a named tuple of functions as a postprocess keyword argument, which will be applied element-wise to the relative column of the output. For example, if our signal was sampled at 60 Hz, we may wish to divide the :offsets column by 60 to show the result in seconds:

args, kwargs = series2D(
    prediction(axis = -60:60),
    select = (:offsets, :signals),
    ribbon = true,
    postprocess = (; offsets = t -> t/60),
plot(args...; kwargs...)
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 peak = false peak = true

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